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No Waste Hog Feeder
It's estimated that average food waste from conventional hog feeders is close to 15%. "The new Aco `high efficiency' feeder can reduce this figure to less than 2%ùwithout having to make any mechanical adjustments," according to the manufacturer.
Individual hoppers, made of polymer concrete, are equipped with protruding wings. The feeding pig's head and ears are invisible to penmates, thus reducing aggression by 60%, the manufacturer points out. "Because pigs `stay put' longer, much less feed is dropped on leaving the position."
Pigs can't step in or mess in the feed hoppers, thanks to a sloped front which makes it extremely awkward for the pig to put a foot inside, let alone keep it there. There are no corners for stale feed to collect in. An inside agitator helps prevent feed blockage.
Available in starter, grower and finisher models. The 4-hole finisher model sells for $432.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Aco Polymer Products, 12080 Ravenna Road, Chardon, Ohio 44024 (ph 1-800-543-4764, or 216 285-7000). (Excerpted from Pork Journal).

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1990 - Volume #14, Issue #4