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Automatic Sampler Tests Grain Dryer Performance
A new automatic grain sampler monitors grain dryer performance even when you're not around by taking measured samples at fixed intervals from grain as it exits your dryer.
"Every farmer who's used one says he wouldn't be without it," reports Lowell Lenz, inventor. "It lets you measure overall performance of a dryer with much greater success than spot checks which can vary by as much as 6 to 8 pts."
The sampler consists of a short length of auger powered by a small ¢-hp. electric motor. An electrical gate at one end of the auger tubing opens every few minutes, dependingon the sampling interval desired, and stays open for anywhere from ¢ sec. to 2 or 3 sec., depending on how large a sample you want to take each time.
Lenz recommends positioning the portable sampler so that it opens into the stream of grain between the outlet auger on the grain dryer and the take-away auger. Samples taken by the sampler are collected in a pail that hangs just below the electric motor.
In operation Lenz says that he sets the sampler to open for about 2 sec. every 2 min. In 15 min. of operation, the sampler collects a gallon bucket full of grain. He then tests the average moisture content of the collection of samples.
"I got the idea for the sampler while working on new dryer designs," says Lenz, who is also inventor of the popular Dry-Mor dryer. "I got tired of running out to check samples all the time. Farmers who dry grain overnight can put this sampler to work and find out in the morning what moisture grain went into their bins. It can also be used on elevator legs, or anywhere else samples must be taken on a regular basis."
Sells for $329.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Lowell Lenz, Geneva Mfg., Inc., 420 Geneva Road, P.O. Box 1087, Alexandria, Minn. 56308 (ph 612 762-8178).

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1985 - Volume #9, Issue #6