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Triple Grain Box Trailer
"It's a lot more efficient that using three gravity boxes pulled by three tractors," says Wally Bakke, Irene, S.Dak., about the tripple grain box trailer he built to pull behind a semi truck.
Bakke removed the original wood bases on three Killbros boxes and then attached all three boxes to two lengths of 2 by 6 channel iron that run just past the end of each box. The channel irons are cross braced. The entire unit rests on the bed of a flatbed trailer. Bed planks were removed under the box openers. A deflector plate was needed to direct the flow of grain from the last box away from the trailer's rear axles.
A single Shur-Lok custom roll tarp was custom-built to cover all three boxes. Bakke used a trailer built low to the ground so the combine auger can reach into the boxes. The three units hold a total of 760 bushels. Total cost of the set up was $2,200, since Bakke already had the tractor and trailer, and he bought used boxes.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Wally Bakke, Rt. 1, Box 35, Irene, S.Dak. 57032 (ph 605 263-3790).

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #3