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Twine Saving Bale Wrap Method
You can cut twine costs in half on your round titer using the tying pattern Tom wonechne, Kimball, S. Dak., came up with for his Gehl baler.
FARM SHOW readers may remember Konechne as the inventor of the Bale Buggy, a 5-bale trailer that pulls behind a round baler and "automatically" unloads each bale as it's made with no need to stop or back up. When the Buggy fills up, all five bales can be "power unloaded" at once.
Konechne modified the twine-tie system on his Gehl baler so he can control the movement of the tie arm from his tractor cab. Once he had control of the twine tie arm, he worked on a pattern that would reduce the amount of twine used.
"Many operators wrap each bale 18 to 20 times. This method reduces that number to 9 and holds just as well or better. Because the last wrap is at the center of the bale there's no loose twine end hanging off to the side as on many wrapped bales," Konechne says.
He makes the first two wraps on the far left side and the next two wraps traveling to the far right where he makes two more wraps. The seventh wrap is made traveling back to the center for the eighth and ninth wraps.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tom Konechne, Rt. 1, Box 13, Kimball, S. Dak. 57355 (ph 605 778-6534).

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1988 - Volume #12, Issue #4