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Vac-U-Meter Simplifies Crop Chemical Metering
"Response from farmers and chemical companies has been tremendous. Everyone's been looking for a system like this," says Gil Rollison, inventor and manufacturer of the Vac-U-Meter, a first-of-itskind closed transfer measuring system that uses low level air pressure to precisely meter chemicals out of bulk tanks.
The self-contained system consists of a 2-gal. plastic measuring tank suspended by ball-joint from a 4-legged metal stand. A small air compressor (12-volt DC or 115-volt AC), mounts beneath the tank at the base of the stand. A hose runs out of either side of the measuring tank, one running to the chemical tank and the other to the spray tank.
The system has a single control lever marked "Fill" and "Empty". When placed on "Fill", vacuum is created inside the measuring tank, drawing chemical into it. When the desired amount of chemical has filled the tank, you simply flip the lever to "Empty" and the vacuum switches to air pressure (7 psi), moving chemical out of the tank (takes less than 20 sec. to empty 2 gal.) and through the hose to the spray tank. There's no hands-on exposure to chemicals and you can easily flush out the tank by using the system to siphon in rinse water.
"Fanners like it because the 12-volt pumps and meters that they're used to using on most mini bulk tanks just aren't very accurate and you have to calibrate them by pumping chemical into a can. Chemical companies like my new system because you don't need to put a pump and meter on every bulk tank. Farmers can buy one Vac-UMeter and mount it on a truck or directly on the sprayer," says Rollison.
One unique feature of the Vac-U-Meter is the ball joint mounting system which makes it simple to level the meter on any terrain. There's a "bulls-eye" level in the top of the free-swinging tank. You just level it up and then tighten the ball joint handle on top of the unit to hold it in place. "Makes it possible to take perfect measurements anywhere," says Rollison.
An internal float valve inside the chemical tank cuts off the vacuum if the container starts to overfill, prohibiting spills. Rollison notes that when more than two gallons of chemical are needed you can simply fill and refill the container. Recently, for one large operator who needed to fill aerial spray equipment, Rollison mounted a counter on the Vac-U-Meter to automatically keep track of the number of gallons measured. A larger 4-gal. Vac-U-Meter is also available.
Sells for $645.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gilco Sales, Inc., 3093 Flint, Memphis, Tenn. 38115 (ph 901 365-7970 or 0886).

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1991 - Volume #15, Issue #2