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Giant Stump Burner Solves Tough Problem
Digging out big tree stumps is ordinarily a job for a bull dozer or an expensive stump grinder. Illinois farmer Sam Ellis came up with a relatively easy and inexpensive way to get rid of his big stumps. He burns them out.
Ellis made a giant stump burner out of an old fuel barrel. He cut out the bottom and installed a flue in the top. He lights a fire on the stump and then sets the burner in place over the stump. The tank fits loosely enough over the stump that air is drawn in from all around the base of the tank, feeding the fire. In a day or two, the stump is burned down to a hole in the ground. You can cut a hole in the side of the tank in or-der to feed in fuel, if necessary.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Sam Ellis, Rt. 2, Box 72, Chrisman, Ill. 61924 (ph 217 666-3474).

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1997 - Volume #21, Issue #3