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4-Wheel Conversion Kit For 3-Wheel ATV's
"We built three different prototypes before we got it right," says Chuck Moritz, Sutton, Neb., who's developed a new conversion kit that makes 4-wheelers out of 3-wheelers.

"ATV's are much safer when they've got 4 wheels and you'll spend a lot less by converting than if you buy a new machine," notes Moritz.

The conversion kit consists of a front wheel assembly that comes with or without a carrying platform. The bolt-on front assembly can be installed with just simple hand tools and requires just three bolts. The two add-on front wheels are smaller than the conventional rear wheels.

Once converted, the 3-wheeler weighs just 40 to 45 lbs. more. The kit, available for Honda 110's and 90's, sells for $389. Moritz plans to have kits available for other Honda models, as well as Suzukis and Yamahas in the near future.

For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, CSE Enterprises, Rt. 2, Box 3, Sutton, Neb. 68979 (ph 402 773-4120).

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1985 - Volume #9, Issue #6