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Quick Tach Forklift FIts Loader Bucket
You'll like this quic k-tach forklift that makes it easy for anyone to take advantage of price discounts available for seed, chemicals and other supplies purchased in bulk but which require the use of a forklift.
Hooks weld to the upper lip of the bucket and, when needed, you simply tip the bucket down and slip the round forklift bar into the hooks. The forks dangle from the bar, backed up against the lower lip of the bucket. To change spacing of the forks, you just slide them back and forth on the bar. When no longer needed, you can quickly set the forks aside and use the bucket normally.
"Most farmers only use a forklift occasionally, they don't need it all the time. Unlike 3-pt. mounted forklift masts, or forklift attachments for skid steer loaders, you can mount these forks in seconds and then set them aside when you're done," says James Dowdy, sales manager for Brandt Mfg.
Available in 4,000-lb. (sells for $695) and 6,000-lb. ($895) capacity models.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Brandt Mfg., Inc., P.O. Box D, Carlisle, Ark. 72507 (ph 800 825-1708).

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1993 - Volume #17, Issue #6