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Freedom Lift Wheelchair Handler
Four years ago FARM SHOW called our "Freedom Lift" "the most sophisticated and useful wheelchair handler we've ever seen" (Vol. 16, No. 4). Not a lot has changed with the lift since then, but we'd just like to re-mind your readers using wheelchairs or those who know farmers using wheelchairs how advanced our system really is.
"Freedom Lift" mounts in the back of any 1/2 or 3/4-ton pickup. It rotates 180?, has a 10 ft. extension and 8 ft. reach. It'll accommodate any size wheelchair and is operated from toggle switches on the platform or from a hand-held remote control. It operates smoothly with hydraulics for infinite movement and delicate maneuvering, making it suitable for getting into and out of any farm machinery. Hydraulics mount on the pickup bed and are powered by the pickup's battery.
The system sells for $21,600 (Canadian, FOB Sask.) installed. Installation takes about a week. (Bryan Jones, President, Ontario Farmers With Disabilities, R.R. 4, Paisley, Ontario, Canada N0G 2N0; ph,fax 519 368-5360. Howard Derksen, Freedom Technologies Inc., P.O. Box 258, R.R. 4, Saskatoon, Sask., Canada S7K 3J7; ph 306 244-1508; fax 5223).

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #6