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Golden Flaxseed
I have been raising golden flaxseed for the past 8 years. Most of the product produced in North America goes to Europe for the edible market. This promising "grain" is simply a color variation of common brown flaxseed but has far better eye appeal when used in bakery products. Flaxseed is the world's richest source of linolenic acid which is an essential poly-unsaturated fatty acid that has been found to lower blood cholesterol. It also contains two types of fiber - mucilage and an insoluble fiber called fignan. Mucilage also has cholesterol-lowering properties and lignan has been shown to help reduce colon and breast cancer. We think golden flaxseed has a tremendous potential as a food crop and I've put together a cookbook with more than 70 recipies and lots of information about golden flax and how it can be used. I've been selling it, along with a one-pound package of golden flax-seed, for $14.95 plus $2 postage. (Tom Jackson, Golden Seeds , Inc., P.O. Box 971, Fargo, N.Dak. 58107 ph 306 695-2151; fax 306 332-5532)

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1992 - Volume #16, Issue #5