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Grain Damper Helps Stop Grain Loss
A new "grain damper" that bolts onto the end of a grain auger to control grain flow, reduces grain loss and helps grain spreaders fill bins more evenly, according to Baker Built Products, Inc., Ohio City, Ohio.
The top cylindrical portion of the "grain damper" attaches to the end of the auger, with two bolts. The sloped sides of the unit direct grain inward one way and a pair of deflector plates mounted below the opening diverts grain the other way.
"The Grain Damper catches the grain, allowing it to flow gently out of the bottom instead of spraying out at a high velocity," says Bruce Baker, president. "When used on a load-out spout, the Grain Damper causes grain to come out more slowly and evenly. When used to load trucks and wagons, it keeps grain from hitting and bouncing. When used on a bin top over a grain spreader, it catches the grain, allowing it to flow evenly into the spreader which can then do a much more even job of leveling."
According to Baker, the Grain Damper also sends a large portion of the dust and dirt into the air instead of in your bin, truck, wagon or on you as you work in the area. If you don't want the dirt in the air, simply install an optional rubber boot.
Two models are available - an 8-in. model selling for $92.95 and a 10-in. model selling for $97.97. An adapter which allows mounting the 10-in. model on an 8-in. pipe sells for $19.95 and an adapter for mounting the 8-in. model on a 6-in. pipe sells for $17.95. (The adapters let you use one damper on more than one auger.)
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Baker Built Products, Inc., Rt. 1, Box 128, Ohio City, Ohio 45874 (ph toll free 800 451-9464 or 419 965-2646).

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1989 - Volume #13, Issue #2