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Space Saving Swing Up Gate
"I've never seen anything like this on the market. It works great," says James Barbour, Hallstead, Penn., who came up with a nifty swing-up gate to replace space-hogging swinging gates in his dairy barn.
"When we remodeled our dairy barn, and went to a powered silage cart, we didn't have room to swing our swing gates so I had to come up with a new design. This gate swings up easily out of the way," Barbour told FARM SHOW.
The gate consists of two cross-mounted 48-in. long 2 by 4's held loosely at the ends by single bolts that allow both pieces to pivot freely. Although the two pieces are the same length, they're offset by several inches and held together at the opposite end by a short 2 by 4 bolted at an angle, running from one to the other. A "stop" is attached to the opposite post to hold the gate when it's lowered. When raised, the gate takes up no more room than the width of the two pieces, standing vertically side by side.
"On the first gate I built, I had to use trial and error to get the gate to fold correctly. Once I had it figured out, it's easy to set up," says Barbour.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, James B. Barbour, Rt. 1, Box 228, Hallstead, Penn. 18822.

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1988 - Volume #12, Issue #1