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Rubber Paddles Replace Fingers In Husking Bed
If you've ever replaced the rubber fingers on the husking bed of a New Idea corn picker, you'll like these replacement rubber paddles.
"My rubber paddles sell for $35 apiece, compared to $114 for a complete set of four rubber fingers," says Russel Paulsen, DeWitt, Iowa, who came up with the idea for his own machine. They worked so well he started selling them.
The paddle brackets bolt to the shafts. If the rubber should ever wear out, you can replace them for about $4.00 each without removing the shafts.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Russell A. Paulsen, 2660 252 Ave., DeWitt, Iowa 52742 (ph 319 847-5183).

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1997 - Volume #21, Issue #5