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Pig Tail Clipper Seals Wound
"It uses a specially shaped, red hot blade to cut the tail off clean and burn it closed, reducing the risk of infection," says Angela Janssen, Strathroy, Ontario, about a new battery-operated tail clipper she and her husband distribute.
The clipper has a rechargeable battery that is good for 80 to 110 tails per charge. Each unit comes with two batteries. It takes 12 hours to recharge a battery.
"The blade is heated up to 1,300 degrees Fahrenheit so it cauterizes at the same time it clips, reducing the risk of arthritis which will drastically decrease tail biting," says Janssen. "It allows you to cut the tail shorter because you don't have to worry about burning the skin like you do with butane-operated clip-pers."
Sells for $190 (U.S.).
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Arno and Angela Janssen, 4133 Egremont Dr., RR 5, Strathroy, Ontario, Canada N7G 3H6 (ph 800 482-6495; ph and fax 519 245-3807).

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1997 - Volume #21, Issue #6