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Steep Slope Monitor
Tractor rollovers are a frequent occurrence in the highland country of Scotland where farmers often farm land that's so steep it's difficult to stand up much less negotiate a tractor. The Scottish Institute of Agricultural Engineering (SIAE) has developed a slope monitor that sets off an alarm when hillsides are too steep to handle.
The Institue's slope alarm gives an estimate of the down-hill slope on which sliding will occur. The operator carries out a simple braking test on a safe area of the field before starting work. Depending on how quickly the tractor brakes, the instrument will calibrate itself with a maximum safe slope for these conditions.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, SIAE, Bush Estate, Penicuik, Midlothian, EH26 OPH (ph 031 445-2147).

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1984 - Volume #8, Issue #5