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"World's Most Accurate Syringe"
"It's the most accurate livestock vaccinating system in the world," says Jon G. Lammers about his company's Swiss-made automatic self-refilling syringe.
The Socorex syringe gives you professional results because it's more than 99 per-cent accurate in precisely repeating dosages, according to Lammers. Simply set the micrometric screw for the desired dosage, lock in the setting with the locking nut screw, and exactly the same dose will be administered every time until you change the setting.
It's designed with a precision-ground glass barrel and stainless steel plunger, which eliminate the need for O-rings that can easily corrode and leak medication.
Available in six sizes up to 20 ml. capacity. All available with slant vial holder or feed tube or both (no different needles are required for switching from one to the other), except 20 ml. size which comes with feed tube only.
Prices start at about $75.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Stone Manufacturing & Supply Co,. 1212 Kansas Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 64127 (ph 816 231-4020; fax 241-3336).

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1998 - Volume #22, Issue #2