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"First True Drill Monitor"
"Our new drill monitor is designed specifically for grain drills. We think it's the first true drill monitor on the market," says Bob Peterson, Loup Electronics, Lincoln, Neb.
Unlike other drill monitors which are of-ten adapted from planter monitors, the Cloup unit is equipped with counting sensors de-signed specifically for drill shafts. It offers true population reading for up to 24 sensors. The sensors can be radar or ground driven. The unit can provide a direct readout of the rpm's on up to three shafts and can also pro-vide a direct readout of seeds per foot, seed spacing in inches, average population or spacing, maximum or minimum population, and ground speed. A bar graph readout shows the level of seed in up to three hoppers. A "scan" feature shows individual row population and spacing. An alarm goes off if the seed population gets too low.
A monitor equipped with 7 sensors sells for about $1,500.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Loup Electronics, Box 67252, Lincoln, Neb. 68506 (ph 402 420-7051).

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1998 - Volume #22, Issue #3