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Remote-Controlled Gate Works Off Garage Door Opener
"It works as good as any commercial automatic gate opener but didn't cost much to build," says Don Wilson, Merkel, Texas, who uses a conventional garage door opener to open and close a 16-ft. long steel gate across his driveway.
The door opener's chain and track are positioned away from the gate. It pushes and pulls on a 10-ft. long, 5/8-in. dia. steel rod that's fastened to the gate. The opener mounts about 2 ft. off the ground on a pair of steel pipes. Electricity for it is supplied by under-ground wiring. A short length of chain is used to attach the 10-ft. steel rod to the chain on the door opener.
"I spent less than $50 to build it. Commercial units sell for as much as $2,000," says Wilson. "I put switches on posts on each side of the gate so visitors can reach out from their vehicle's window to open or close the gate.
"The hardest part was figuring out exactly where to mount the opener so the rod will run true without binding on the door opener track."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Don R. Wilson, 502 CR 351, Merkel, Texas 79536 (ph 915 846-4422).

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1998 - Volume #22, Issue #3