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Leaf Spring Dandelion Digger
If you're tired of pulling dandelions, you'll like the home-built digger Herb Kuhn came up with to remove the pesky weeds from his strawberry beds.
The Barrhead, Alberta, farmer's invention disturbs less soil than a spade and makes it easy to get the whole root. It works so slick, Kuhn's built about a dozen of them for friends and neighbors since coming up with the idea three years ago.
It consists of a 3 to 3/12-ft. long leaf spring off an old car. Leaf springs are tapered on one end like the shank on a chisel plow so it's ideal for the business end of the digger, Kuhn notes. Two 1-ft. long, 1/2-in. dia. pieces of pipe weld to the spring - one near the top for a handle, the other about 8 in. from the bottom for pushing the digger into the ground with your foot.
"It lifts out the entire plant, root and all, so it's unable to re-establish itself," Kuhn says. Kuhn sells the diggers for $25 (Canadian). For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Herb Kuhn, R.R. 3, Barrhead, Alberta, Canada T7N 1N4 (ph 403 674-5938).

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1998 - Volume #22, Issue #4