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Liquid Manure Fill Spout Make From Old Grain Auger
"I couldn't justify the expense of a commercial aluminum unit so I made my own for less than a quarter of the cost of a new one," says Tom Hamilton who turned an old grain auger into a liquid manure fill spout.
The Ormstown, Quebec, farmer started with a 40-ft. long, 6-in. dia. grain auger, re-moving the flighting and cutting the gearbox off the top end. He attached a 3-ft. length of 6-in. dia. flexible suction hose to the bottom end and bolted a length of 6 in. dia. PVC pipe with a 90 degree elbow to the top. He added a 2 ft. length of old inner tube to the end of the PVC pipe to extend the spout.
He bolted one of the bands from the quick coupler on his lagoon pump to the bottom end to allow him to hook the rig up to his pump.
He used the original wheels and undercarriage of the auger and extended the hitch 3 1/ 2 ft. so his tractor doesn't bump the suction hose.
"I built it last year and it worked perfectly," says Hamilton. "I can fill my 4,000-gal. tank wagon in 3 minutes."
Out-of-pocket expense was less than $100. Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tom Hamilton, 2828 N. River Rd., Ormstown, Quebec, Canada H3J 1S0 (ph 514 829-2059).

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1998 - Volume #22, Issue #4