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Ornamantal Weather Vane
The weather vane in this photo is located atop my repair shop. I made it out of ornamental metal, and it stands 2 1/2-ft. tall and measures 3-ft. long. It features a Deere 3020 cut out of 12 ga. sheet metal painted green and yellow.
I've made 20 or 30 like it for others. I do mostly tractor weather vanes, but have also built vanes with cows and other farm animals on them.
I'd be happy to make vanes for FARM SHOW readers if there's interest.
My weather vanes start at $75. (Don Young, 1725 225th St., Garner, Iowa 50438; ph 515 923-6073 or 3366)

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1998 - Volume #22, Issue #4