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"Electric Guard" Uses Sound, Light To Scare Predators Away
A new self-contained, battery-operated de-vice developed by the Denver Wildlife Re-search Center uses a siren and flashing strobe light to scare predators away.
The Electronic Guard is 18 in. long, 7 in. in diameter, and weighs about 9 lbs. It operates on 12-volt current and will run for about 30 days on a carbon battery or 60 days on an alkaline battery. A timer causes a warbling-type siren and flashing strobe light to activate every 6 to 8 minutes for about 8 seconds throughout the night, when predators are most active. The timer contains a photo-cell that automatically turns the unit on at about dusk and off 1 to 1 1/2 hours after sun-rise. Sometimes just the light flashes, some-times just the siren sounds, and sometimes both operate at once. The unit hangs from a tree or a post.
Tests have shown that using the Electronic Guard can temporarily reduce losses to predators an average of 80 percent in range and pasture situations and 60 percent in mountain grazing areas.
The number of Electronic Guards needed to protect sheep will depend on the size of the pasture, the vegetation in or around it, and the terrain. In general, at least two units should be used in small fenced pastures (20 to 30 acres). Three or four units should be used in large fenced pastures (31 to 100 acres).
Sells for about $270, not including the battery, and can be ordered through the Wildlife Service office listed in the blue pages of most telephone books under "U.S. Department of Agriculture". For the address and telephone number in your area, call the WS Operational Support staff at 301 734-7921. Or contact: FARM SHOW Followup, WS Pocatello Sup-ply Depot, 238 E. Dillon St., Pocatello, Idaho 83201 (ph 208 236-6920; fax 6922).

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1998 - Volume #22, Issue #5