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Latch Holds Truck End Where You Want It
Jerry Bauer of Thorhild, Alberta, uses a homemade latch equipped with an eccentric to keep his truck's end gate in place wherever he wants it.
  "It holds the door tightly in any position. I never have to worry about it falling down," says Bauer.
  The latch consists of a threaded bolt that goes through a hole drilled into a length of angle iron along one side of the door. The bolt is welded to one side of a 1/2-in. long piece of 1-in. dia. steel pipe. Because the bolt is welded to one side of the pipe, it acts as an eccentric, clamping down tight against the door when turned. He welded a short metal strap onto the other end of the bolt to serve as a handle.
  A nut on each side of the angle iron stabilizes the latch.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jerry Bauer, Box 507, Thorhild, Alberta, Canada (ph 403 398-2322).

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1999 - Volume #23, Issue #3