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New-Style Electric Fence System
All you need to assemble our new-style electric fence system is a steel post driver and a few hand tools. It allows you to use ordinary steel T-posts for the entire job, simply bolting the various components together.
  The heart of the system is the corner post anchor, an X-shaped anchor with four 30-in. long steel fins, which are especially effective in soft ground. The anchor clamps to the No. 2 post with the top flush with the ground, making a stable unit to pull from.
  A 6-in. sq. steel adapter plate for each line wire clamps to the No. 1 post, so steel braces and adjustable Plexiglas corner or gate insulators can be bolted on. The Plexiglas corner insulators can be tightened easily if the wire ever goes slack. Plexiglas gate insulators for hinge and handle ends are equipped with aluminum connector loops and coated copper connector wire for conductivity.
  An adjustable gate fastener clamps to the line wire to hold the gate open.
  The patent-pending system can be set up quickly and easily, and for significantly less cost than comparable fences using wooden posts. (Gene W. Boyes, R.R. 1, Box 76, Tamarack, Minn. 55787 ph 218 768-2136)

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1999 - Volume #23, Issue #6