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Zebra-Striped Bale Wrap Makes Unrolling Easier
New "Zebra" bale wrap netting makes handling easier by indicating which direction a bale is rolled up. If you unroll bales on the ground for feeding, it lets you know at a glance which side is which.
  The idea originally came from a large rancher in Montana who found it time-consuming to determine which way each bale needed to be unrolled in order to put down hay or straw.
  "This fellow used 1,500 bales each year and found that his hired man needed to get out of the tractor each time he fed a bale to find out which way it was rolled up. The rancher and his wife began spray painting each bale to identify the left and right sides but approached bale wrap manufacturer, Ambraco, to see if a simpler solution could be found.
  Strips are reversed on either side of bale so you can tell at a glance which way bale was rolled up.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Joe Huntington, Ambraco, Box 506, Dubuque, Iowa, 52004 (ph 800 225-8946; fax 319 583-3531; E-mail ambraco1@mwci.net); Website: www.ambraco.com

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1999 - Volume #23, Issue #6