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Infinitely Adjustable Jack Stand Filled With Steel Shot
"Our new-style jack stand uses steel shot instead of pins to set the height so there's no danger of a pin shearing. Another advantage is that you can set the stand at exactly the desired height anywhere, from 13 3/4 to 20 1/2 inches," says Cameron Klasson, S.A.E.F. Finishing & Fabrication, Gentry, Ark.
  The 6-ton jack stands consist of a chrome "neck" inside a hollow steel cylinder. As you pull the neck up to the desired position shot flows from the neck into the base, forming a solid mass of steel under the neck. To reset the jack stand, you simply turn it upside down so shot flows back into the neck.
  "The only way the jackstand will go down is if you tip it upside down," says Klasson. "The stand will safely support loads up to 25,000 lbs. It comes with a powder coated finish."
  The jack stand is sold in pairs for $79 per pair plus $12 S&H.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, S.A.E.F. Finishing & Fabrication, 19058 Jackson Rd., Gentry, Ark. 72734 (ph 501 736-4659).

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1999 - Volume #23, Issue #5