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Easy-To-Build Sprinkler Stands
Marland Old has irrigated several acres of vegetables for years. He pulls water out of a farm pond.
  "I've always used sprinkler stands made out of automobile or truck rims for the bases and steel pipe for the sprinkler head standoffs. Recently my son came up with the idea of using PVC pipe to make stands in order to reduce weight and increase longevity," says Old.
  "When you're ready to use a stand, water is fed into them for weight via a quick-connect hose fitting in one end of the æH' base. The entire stand fills with water, making it stable. When you're ready to move the stand, just unhook the hose and the stand rapidly drains, allowing it to be easily moved.
  "The stands shown in the photo are made out of 2-in. pipe but you could make them out of small diameter pipe as well."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Marland Old, Rt. 1, Box 144B, New Boston, Tex. 75570 (E-mail: m.old@att.net).

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2000 - Volume #24, Issue #2