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Modified Rotary Hoe Works Better In Trash
"I modified my 400 series Deere rotary hoe to help dry the surface of my no-till fields in wet conditions," says Bob Reimann, Olivet, S.Dak.
  "The hoe would plug up in cornstalk residue. I tried an after market kit that spread the wheels further apart, but it didn't help the plugging problem.
  "So I removed the pivot links and then took off half the wheels, bolting the remaining wheels directly to the shanks using a 5/8-in. dia. 5-in. long grade 5 bolt. I placed a 2 1/2-in. spacer (cut from 3/4-in. dia. black pipe) to keep the wheels spaced directly between the shanks. I also used a 3/8-in. spacer (from 3/4-in. pipe) in the slot for the pivot link to keep from collapsing the pivot point.
  "I plant on 38-in. rows at a population of 21,000 and generally produce 100 bu. corn or more, so there's a lot of residue.
  "I drive through the field in road gear so there's a rooster tail of stalks and mud behind the hoe.
  "If you have too much residue even for the modified hoe, you could reverse the hoe wheels to further prevent plugging. But then it would be less aggressive at mixing residue.
  "I think this idea would work on most rotary hoes."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bob Reimann
, 42159 U.S. Hwy 18, Olivet, S.Dak. 57052 (ph 605 583-2286).

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2000 - Volume #24, Issue #3