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Rifle-Mounted Spotlight Helps Hunt Down Nighttime Pests
When raccoons and other nighttime predators started going after his turkeys, James Watson decided to hunt them down in the dark. The problem was finding a high power, compact spotlight that would help him do the job. He couldn't find what he wanted on the market so he decided to design and build one himself. "I wanted a light that would fit on the rifle scope so when you moved the scope, the light went with it." says Watson.
  He came up with a compact, 20,000 candle-power halogen lamp with a 100-yard range. It's housed in black ABS plastic and powered by a six-volt battery. The entire 4-in. by 2.5-in. unit weighs only 5 oz.. The scope ring mounting allows the Scope Light to be removed quickly by loosening a thumbscrew.
  Watson has been selling the units in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Inquiries have come in from as far away as Libya and Israel. He emphasizes their use for predator hunting only and cautions customers to check with local fish and game officials for rules and regulations in their state.
  "These are to be used for predator only hunting," says Watson. However, Watson and others have found a number of non-hunting uses for the scope light. He reports that one customer uses his for attic work, mounting the light on his hardhat, while Watson himself, uses it for mechanical work in small spaces. The unit has even been mounted on the bill of a cap, he reports.        In recent years, Watson has added a second light to his product line. The Hunting Light is a hand held unit with five times the power of the Scope Light.
  Watson sells the Scope Light for $34.95 plus postage and Texas sales tax. The Hunting Light sells for $75 plus postage and tax.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup: James Porter Watson, Quality Products Co., Box 234, Hye, Tex 78635 (ph 830-868-7431)

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2000 - Volume #24, Issue #4