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Gate Hangers Bring Flexibility To Cattle Sorting
By building and installing a pair of three-hinged devices onto a post, Dave Kerr greatly improved the options he has available to him when sorting cattle. When the need arises, the Harrowsmith, Ontario farmer simply lifts the gate off one set of hinges and replaces it on one of the other sets, at a completely different angle, hence positioning the gate in a new direction.
  "I call them gate hangers, and they're great for penning cattle and also corral cleaning because you can easily swing the gates right out of the way for cleaning straight through," he says.
  To build each device, Kerr took a horseshoe-shaped piece of metal with ears drilled for bolts and welded on three loops, each with pins welded at the end. By bolting a piece of flatbar to the ears of the horseshoe, the devices can be securely positioned on the gatepost û at any height to accommodate various gates. He made two different sized loop-length pins, positioned two inches from the post. The third set of pins is 6 in. from the post, which allows for more swing side-to-side without binding or stopping at the post.
  On the gate hanger that is positioned at the top of the post, Kerr made all of the pins longer than the bottom set in order to make gate installation easier. Also, the top pins have holes drilled in them for lock clips, preventing the gates from being lifted off the pins.
  It takes Kerr about four hours to build one complete set, and he has made several sets for use around his farm. He used short ends of scrap iron, so the cost was negligible.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Follow-up, Dave Kerr, R.R 1, Harrowsmith, Ontario, Canada K0H 1V0 (ph/fax 613 372-2215).

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2000 - Volume #24, Issue #4