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Wireless Controller Operates Tractor Hydraulics, PTO
"Our new wireless controller lets you operate the throttle and hydraulics on any tractor by remote control. Works great for operating pumps and pto's from far away," says Larry Bearinger, Reliable Equipment, Petersburg, Ontario.
  The controller consists of a wireless transmitter that sends signals to a motorized control box on the tractor, and an electric-hydraulic valve that plugs into the back of the tractor to operate tractor hydraulics. The valve is wired into the control box. The control box can also be mounted on a "stickman" frame that stands next to the tractor.
  "We're selling an entirely different way of thinking and working," says Bearinger. "We originally designed it to remotely operate liquid manure pumps for our custom manure irrigation business. The driver of the spreader tank can control both the pump and the tractor without ever having to get out of the tractor or truck.
  "The transmitter has three buttons on it. One button activates a hydraulic valve that starts the pump, one accelerates the tractor's throttle to a pre-set speed, and one slows the tractor to an idle and shuts off the pump at the same time. The transmitter has a range of 100 ft. However, its range can be extended to two miles by using two modified FM radios. That allows the driver of the spreader tank to start the pump and circulate manure in the pit while he's in the field.
  "The wireless controller also has other applications. If a piece of equipment can be manually operated, it can be automated and remote-controlled. For example, it can also be used to turn a tractor pto on and off in order to operate a silo blower. We can design custom packages to control engines, clutches, electric motors or hydraulic systems."
  Sells for about $1,000 (Canadian).
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Reliable Equipment, Rt. 2, Petersburg, Ontario, Canada N0B 2H0 (ph 519 634-5480).

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2000 - Volume #24, Issue #4