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Pull-Type Crop Sprayer Converted To "Service Station On Wheels"
Bill Harris, Pennville, Ind., converted a pull-type crop sprayer into a "service station on wheels" equipped with a 375-gal. diesel fuel tank, an electric fuel transfer pump with 25 ft. of hose, and storage for oil, funnels, grease guns, and tools.
  "It has a lot more fuel storage capacity than my pickup for refueling in the field. That means I don't have to refill as often," says Harris.
  He had not used the single axle sprayer for the past couple years because it was too small for his needs. He cut away the boom and shortened up the tongue. He kept the metal spray tank. He added an expanded metal platform and a step on one side of the tank. On the other side he mounted a 6-ft. long, 3-ft. high wooden storage compartment with shelves inside it. He also made a smaller compartment to go behind the tank. The side-mounted box has enough room for four 5-gal. pails of oil as well as fuel filters, various funnels, a grease gun, towels, and a towel holder. The box on back is divided by a shelf, with a battery on top and the fuel pump on bottom. Both boxes have hinged lids that can be lifted up out of the way.
  "It lets me keep my tractors going all day without having to drive home to refill the 110-gal. tank on my pickup," says Harris. "I mounted tail lights on the rig as well as outside-facing lights on top of the box on back so I can refuel after dark. I also mounted lights inside both storage compartments. The lights are hooked up to the same battery that operates the fuel transfer pump."
  Harris says the design works so well he plans to build units for sale and will display them at farm shows later this year. "I plan to build tandem axle models that will allow greater capacity. I'll also build metal boxes instead of wooden ones for more durability," he notes.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bill Harris, Jr., 6889 W. 400 N., Pennville, Ind. 47369 (ph 219 731-2793).

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2000 - Volume #24, Issue #4