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Home-Built Small Round Feeder
I made this small round feeder, which is big enough to take care of a few head of livestock. I took an old combine wheel, and made two rings 3/16-in. thick by 3 in. wide and 27 1/2 in. in diameter. Those rings formed the top and bottom of my feeder. I made uprights out of 1/2-in. conduit, which I flattened at each end and welded in place 5 in. apart. I made an extra support for each side out of 3-in. strap iron, and mounted a chick brooder on top to keep rain off the hay. I put a steel cover from a 50-gal. barrel on top of the wheel to keep hay from dropping down through.
  The feeder works great and is strong enough to last a long while. I left the tire on to keep animals from getting bruised against the feeder. (Loyal Hanson, 1584 Hwy S, Sturgeon Bay, Wis. 54235)

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2000 - Volume #24, Issue #5