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Heavy-Duty Scale Handles Loads Up To 5,000 Lbs.
If you've balked at spending hundreds - or even thousands - of dollars to buy an expensive drive-over scale, you might want to take a look at this new heavy-duty hydraulic scale that weighs "hanging" loads of up to 5,000 lbs.
  "It's perfect for many jobs where accuracy to within 2 percent is adequate," says Craig Libuse, Sherline marketing director, noting that the scale sells for $250 and comes with a hook at each end. "For example, we recently had a rash of orders from tobacco states because the government started offering a premium for tobacco bales delivered within a particular weight range. This scale is perfect for weighing loads as they go onto trucks or trailers."
  With a hook at either end, the hydraulic scale can be suspended from a block and tackle, a front-end loader bucket, or even a forklift blade.
  Libuse notes that the scale is not intended to weigh products that are sold by weight - only to get approximate weights for loads. It's accurate to 2 percent at the mid-range and to 3 percent at the heaviest and lightest weights. A more accurate, but more expensive, version is available that's accurate to within 1 percent.
  Both 2,000-lb. and 5,000-lb. scales are available.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Sherline Products, 3235 Executive Ridge, Vista, Calif. 92083 (ph 800 541-0735; fax 760 727-7857; E-mail: sherline@ sherline.com; Web site: www.sherline.com).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #1