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Home-Built 3-Wheel ATV
With an ample supply of scrap metal and old spare parts, some farmers can make almost anything.
    That's the case with Dan Capiuk, Barrhead, Alberta. Building things is his hobby but he says he saves a bundle, too.
    For example, the homemade "workhorse trike" that he constructed cost him only about $400. He says brand name ATV's have all the features that his rig has.
    Capiuk used steel tubing from an old combine to build the frame and a front end off an old Honda 185 3-wheeler. Other supplies included a motor bike seat, a combine gas tank and the lever from an old walking plow (to adjust blade height). The blade angle can be changed by pulling out one bolt on the U-frame and installing a short brace made from tubing.
    He powered the unit with a 5 hp Briggs and Stratton engine that he bought. He installed a roll bar for safety and a rear tool box.
    Besides the motor, he purchased the tires and bearings.
    Capiuk designed a tow bar that fits the front of the ATV so he can tow it behind implements. This provides him with easy transportation back to the yard when doing field work.
    He says the home-built ATV took him about one winter in his spare time to build and it serves him well around the farm. He uses it for snow plowing, pulling yard trailers around, and for checking cows and fields.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dan Capiuk, R.R.#3 Barrhead, Alberta, Canada, T7N 1N4 (ph 780 674-3007).

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2000 - Volume #24, Issue #6