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New-Style Wire Winder
You can roll or unroll barbed wire, woven or electric fence wire, plastic pipe, or polyethylene sheets used in truck gardening with the new Pepler Hydraulic Reelmaster. It attaches to any 3-pt. hitch and uses the tractor's hydraulic system for controlling speed of winding or unwinding wire and other flexible materials. It can also be used to stretch wire as it's unrolled and fastened to posts.
Reel speed can be adjusted to match tractor travel speed at any rate up to 3 or 31/z mph. Tension is adjusted by setting the hydraulic control valve. Different size spools are available for different materials, or you can easily make your own from plywood and other readily available materials.
For prices and additional information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, S. Pepler & Sons, Newchurch, Sandown, Isle of Wight, England.

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1977 - Volume #1, Issue #6