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Rake "Slices" Snow Off Roof
"It goes through snow like you wouldn't believe and requires no lifting, chopping, or pulling. It's also built heavier and clears a wider area than any other snow rake on the market," says Leonard Katauskas, Ely, Minn., about his new-style roof cleaner that works like a big cheese slicer.
  The patented "MinnSNOWta Roof Razor" clears a 3-ft. wide area and is fitted with a 10-ft. length of slippery plastic that trails behind a U-shaped slicer head. The slicer head rides on two 2-in. high poly wheels and has two cutting edges: a steel axle rod that connects the wheels and serves as the primary cutting edge, and an upper bar. The wheels ride on the shingles and as you push upward on the slicer, snow slides quickly down the plastic and off the roof. When you pull downward, the snow also ends up on the plastic and slides down behind the slicer.
  Comes with four 6-ft. long, snap-together sections made out of 1 3/8-in. dia. aluminum tubing.
  "The poly wheels keep the lowest cutting edge one inch above the shingles, which protects cold roof surfaces from chop damage that can happen with conventional roof rakes. The pole is built strong enough to handle big loads without buckling at the joints."
  Optional 4-in. wheels are available for metal roofs.
  Sells for $149.95 plus S&H. The 6-ft. extensions sell for $15 apiece. The metal roof kit sells for $15. Replacement slides sell for $22.50.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Leonard Katauskas, 906 E. White St., Ely, Minn. 55731 (ph 218 365-6000; fax 3347; E-mail: lenkat@minnsnowta.com).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #1