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Wood-Packing Machine Adds To Firewood
Have you seen those small packages of wood stacked up outside of local convenience stores? Well here's a machine that can make those small bundles, which are geared for homeowners and campers who don't need or want a full cord of wood.
The Wood-PAKer from B&B Manufacturing, Olean, New York, shrink-wraps split wood up to 18 in. long into packages as big as 2 cu. ft. It'll also wrap up kindling, sticks, or even slab wood, which might otherwise go to waste.
The machine uses thermostatically-controlled LP gas ovens to shrink plastic around bundles of wood moving through on an electric-powered conveyor chain.
B&B says packaging wood in small packs for sale at convenience stores, campgrounds, grocery stores, etc., can double or triple profits from a cord of wood. For example, if you package wood in bundles of about .75 cu. ft., a cord of wood (128 cu. ft.) will make about 170 bundles. If you sell each bundle for $2, the gross price for a cord becomes $340.
B&B makes seven different models of Wood-PAKer's from the Model G100, which requires two workers to turn out about 100 packages of wood an hour, up to the Model G700, which can package up to 700 bundles of wood an hour with eight workers. Prices range from $8,500 to $23,000. An optional wheel kit, which sells for $680, makes the machine mobile.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Melissa Nix, Wood-PAKer, B&B Manufacturing, 3021 West River Road, Olean, N.Y. 14760 (ph 716 373-5881 or toll free 800 654-5320; fax 716 373-5883; E-mail: bbmfg@sprynet.com; Website: http://home.sprynet.com/~bbmfg/wpaker.htm).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #4