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Multi-Purpose "Dump Off" Bale Hauler
This new bale hauler is equipped with a hydraulic hoist, allowing it to unload round or big square bales off the back. It also can be equipped with sides in order to haul other material.
  The 20-ft. long trailer is equipped with tapered steel "stops" at the front and rear that contain the bales. Round bales simply roll off the back as the hoist is raised. When handling big square bales the rear stop is removed, which allows the bales to be dumped off. The bed can also be equipped with stake pockets and sides, allowing the unit to haul grain, firewood, rocks, etc.
  Sells for $5,595. Two other models are also available - one 16 ft. long and the other 18 ft. long. The 16-ft. model sells for $4,475 and the 18-ft. model for $5,035.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Weber Lane Mfg. Ltd., Rt. 4, Listowel, Ontario, Canada N4W 3G9 (ph 519 291-5035).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #4