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Air-Power Shovel Digs Fast With Air
If you've ever pointed a jet nozzle on an air hose at the ground, then you've got the basic idea behind the new AIR-SPADEĢ from Concept Engineering Group, Inc. (CEG), Verona, Pennsylvania.
The air-powered shovel uses a supersonic air jet nozzle to dig holes. It's based on the design of nozzles used in rocket propulsion. The focused air stream is like a laser beam that extends several inches from the end of the nozzle. The supersonic air stream moves at between 1,200 and 1,500 mph, or approximately twice the speed of sound.
The AIR-SPADE can dig trees or any type of plant roots in minutes, or safely excavate for pouring or repairing a foundation without disturbing valuable landscape plants. Because there are no sharp edges and moving air won't harm solid surfaces, it'll dig safely around buried power cables or gas lines. With the right attachments, it can excavate under foundations or roadways or even clean clogged sewers. By using different nozzles, airflow can be adjusted to achieve a desired digging rate. Multiple nozzles can be mounted together to make a larger digger.
It comes with an engine, compressor, and a vacuum pump and removes loosened soil.
The AIR-SPADE requires an air compressor that can supply 175 to 185 cfm of air at 100 psi. Nozzles to fit 25, 60, or 225-cfm compressors are also available.
Prices start at under $1,200, plus shipping. Commercial, skid-mounted excavation packages start at around $12,000.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Concept Engineering Group, Inc., 15 Plum Street, Verona, Pennsylvania 15147-2100 (ph 888 557-2339 or 412 826-8800; fax 412 826-8601; E-mail: ceg@air-spade.com; Website: www.air-spade.com).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #4