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Stirrup Extender Makes Mounting Easier
"If mounting your horse is making riding a chore, the E-Z Up Stirrup Extender can give you a leg up and put the fun back into riding," says Judi Rusk of E-Z Up. "It drops your stirrup down with the push of a button and locks back into place with a lift of your toe."
  Rusk and her two partners, Bill McClelland and Andy Bates, bought the E-Z Up business three years ago, but the product was actually invented 25 to 30 years ago by a U.S. cavalry officer.
  "It's very durable. I know of people who still use their original ones from 25 or 30 years ago," she says. "People who use the stirrup extenders really love them. They have told me they are so grateful for them because, otherwise, they wouldn't be able to do what they love mostà ride! You only need one extender per saddle."
  The E-Z Up Stirrup Extender sells for $89 U.S. each ($134 Canada plus G.S.T and P.S.T), plus $11 shipping. Orders should specify required stirrup bar width (2 1/2 or 3 in.).
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Judi Rusk or Bill McClelland or Andy Bates, E-Z Up Stirrup Extenders, Box 6301, Hinton, Alberta, Canada T7V 1X6 (ph toll free 877 865-1497); E-mail: ezup@stirrup-extender.com; Website: www.stirrup-extender-com).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #4