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Half-Scale Hay Wagon
Your readers may get a kick out of this half-scale hay wagon that's identical to full-size wagons. It measures only 7 ft. long and 4 ft. wide and can be pulled by any garden tractor or ATV. I've displayed the wagon in parades and at threshers' swap meets. Hobby farmers can use it to haul small square bales and other materials. It's equipped with adjustable tie rods and turf tires. The floor is made from marine varnished pine boards. I can paint the wagon whatever color the customer wants. Sells for $425 plus S&H. (David Timmerman, Pineview Machines Etc., Inc., 7436 195th St. W., Jordan, Minn. 55352 ph 952 492-3677)

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #5