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Service Provides Farm Workers
We got a call the other day from a foreign-sounding fellow who said he runs a business that can make life easier for U.S. farmers. "We make it simplefor U.S. farmers to bring skilled workers over from Eastern Europe," says Bogdan A. Chugunov, a Ukrainian immigrant who came to the U.S. three years ago.
  Shortly after his arrival, Chugunov chanced to meet a rural employer from Iowa who complained about the difficulty of finding workers in that state. He regretted that he might be forced to consider illegal immigrants from Mexico because he could not find people to work.
  Chugunov decided to set up a company that would match educated young workers from his native Ukraine with rural employers in the U.S. He has found a receptive audience with farmers and factory owners who don't want to break federal law by hiring undocumented workers.
  If you're looking for farm workers, Chugunov will provide appropriately skilled employees for the $125 immigration fee plus one week salary, payable after the immigrant's first month of work. With a special work visa, workers may stay for up to 3 years. If a worker doesn't work out for any reason, the person can be replaced immediately.
  Chugunov says many young workers in the Ukraine are highly intelligent and highly motivated. He doesn't know yet how the terrorist attacks in New York will affect immigrant law.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bogdan A. Chugunov, Carte Blanche World, 1953 86th Street, 2nd Floor, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11214 (ph 718 265-9091; fax 718 382-7948; E-mail: carteocean@yahoo.com).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #6