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Heavy-Duty "Pipe Fence" Bolts Together Fast
"It's an attractive fence that's easy to construct and is built to last," says Mark Dwyer about his company's new heavy duty "pipe fence" that simply bolts together, allowing you to quickly set it up or take it down.
  "This fence can be put up unbelievably fast. In some cases you don't even need to dig post holes. The fence stands on top of the ground. It's amazing how solid the fence gets once you tighten up the bolts.," says Alvin Hoefer, Dwyer's partner and designer of the fence.
  Made entirely of 6 5/8-in. dia 11-gauge steel tubing, the fence can be set up with either two, three, or four rails. A metal tab welded onto each end of the rails fits to tabs welded onto the vertical post. To put the fence together you insert a single 1/2 by 1 1/2-in. bolt through a slotted hole in each of the tabs.
  "Farmers or ranchers who rent ground for livestock will like this fence because it can be quickly disassembled and put up somewhere else. And when cleaning up manure around the fence, you can take off the bottom rails so a tractor can get under.
  "One advantage of this fence is that it flexes at the post and therefore follows the ground contour," says Hoefer. There are no places to get hung up or caught on.
  "It's built heavy so it'll withstand a lot of abuse. The tubing weighs 8.2 lbs. per foot so if you have an 11-ft., four pipe fence the total weight for one section - including the vertical post - is 480 lbs. Most people won't need more than three pipes unless they're crowding or loading animals into a chute.
  Fence rails are available in lengths of 11, 14.8, and 22 ft.
  Four horizontal 11-ft. pipes, with posts and bolts, sell for about $10 per running foot; three 11-ft. pipes, $7.75; two pipes, $5.60. The fence decreases in price as you go to longer pipes.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dwyer Mfg., Inc., HC 60, Box 63, Bartlett, Neb. 68622 (ph 800 357-2714; E-mail: dwyer@gpcom.net) or Alvin Hoefer, Rt. 1, Box 126A, Petersburg, Neb. 68652 (ph 888 766-2322).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #6