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Andiron Turns Fireplace Into Furnace
You won't need a roaring fire in the fireplace to make even a large room comfortable if you have Hot Air Andirons, from Lauderdale-Hamilton, Inc., Shannon, Mississippi.
  Dave Hamilton, owner of the company, came up with the idea after a Boy Scout camping trip several years ago in which he noticed that despite the size of the fire in an old cabin's fireplace, there was little heat anywhere except right near the fire.
  These andirons use a small electric fan to pull air through a U-shaped pipe that forms a base for building the fire. The fire heats the air as it passes through the tube and warm air shoots out the opposite end into the room.
  The company says the andirons can keep a room of up to 1,000 sq. ft. toasty warm with a savings of $1.00 worth of heat for each penny spent on electricity to operate the fan.
  The andirons fit any standard fireplace from 24 to 48 in. in width. The company includes a 10-day "money-back-no-questions-asked" guarantee and guarantees all parts, including the fan, for two years. Price is $195 plus shipping from Shannon, Mississippi.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Hot Air Andirons, Lauderdale-Hamilton, Inc., P.O. Box 165, Shannon, Miss. 38868 (ph 662 767-3928; fax 662 767-3047).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #6