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Kit Turns Golf Cart Into "ATV"
You can turn a used golf cart into a 4-WD "ATV" with this kit from Hardy Rider Co., Philadelphia, Miss.
  The kit converts the cart's non-driven front wheels to front wheel drive using a 3 1/2 hp DC motor to drive a hydraulic pump, which drives hydraulic motors in each front wheel. When 4-WD is needed, the driver uses his left foot to depress a pedal that engages the motor. His right foot is used in normal golf cart fashion to engage the rear wheels.
  The kit also includes front and rear lift kits that increase ground clearance by 5 in., and a front bumper. Options include big lugged tires, mud flaps for the front wheels, an all-weather camouflage enclosure, lights and wiring for night driving, heavy duty rear springs, a front or rear-mounted receiver hitch for towing small trailers, a front or rear-mounted winch, and a fold-up cargo deck that measures 16 in. wide by 44 in. long.
  "It gives you added power and traction when going through mud, climbing hills, or pulling something heavy," says inventor Jerome Hardy. "The front drive adds up to 4 1/2 hp which effectively doubles or triples the power of a typical cart. It works a lot better than an ATV for hunting because it's much more quiet.
  "We ship kits to customers, or we'll do the work here at our plant."
  The kit sells for $2,500 plus S&H. Fits E-zee Go and Club Car carts.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Hardy Rider Co., Inc., 12345 Road 505, Philadelphia, Miss. 39350 (ph 800 293-2435 or 601 656-5866; fax 601 656-4559).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #6