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Wringer-Washer For Cleaning Shop Towels
Shop towels and chamois will last longer if you use this hand-operated wringer to wash them, says Fast Lane Products, Palos Verdes Peninsula, Calif.
  The "Wring-A-Way" wringer consists of a rustproof, zinc-plated, all-steel frame housing two 15-in. long rubber rollers. A single knob at the top makes it easy to adjust closeness of the rollers (up to 90 percent of the water in a wet towel can be squeezed out).
  The wringer comes with two adjustable clamps at the bottom that allow the unit to be attached to laundry tubs, barrels, sawhorses, or the company's "Water-Wheels", a 15 1/2-gal. portable galvanized steel drain tub and stand. A 30-in. hose connected to the tub's drain outlet allows easy removal of water. The tub comes with a set of casters which can be left off for stationary use.
  "The wringer's gentle action greatly extends chamois life," says Fay Flanzer. "We've been using the same chamois to clean our cars for more than 10 years."
  The Wring-A-Way wringer sells for $139 plus $10 S&H. The Water-Wheels tub sells for $99 plus $19 S&H. Both units together sell for a a special price of $219 plus $22 S&H.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Fast Lane Products, Box 7000-50, Palos Verdes Peninsula, Calif. 90274 (ph 800 327-8669; E-mail: info@fastlaneproducts.com; Website: www.fastlaneproducts.com).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #6