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Semi-Truck Pull Attracts Big Crowd
When Jack Pruitt and Melvin Dolan of Richmond, Va., wanted to boost attendance at an annual festival, they hit on the idea of organizing a semi-truck pull.
"We contacted local truckers and contractors and they brought their semi tractors," he says. "They were all just normal, everyday over-the-road trucks. We divided them up into classes for horsepower and type of transmission. And we had an open class in which anyone with a semi-truck could compete. We used the same pulling sled the farm tractors use."
He notes that in addition to semi-trucks, entrants have driven wreckers, concrete mixers and dump trucks. "We also had an antique class in the 180 to 200 hp engine size," he notes.
The truck pulls have been held for three years and crowds keep growing. "We added semi-truck drag races last year, too, and that drew a lot of people," he adds.
"People thoroughly enjoy it," he says. "We may not have been the first to do this, but no one else was doing it in this area when we started it. I've heard of a few other tractor pulls where semi-trucks have been added," he says.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Melinda Gammon, Field Day of the Past, P.O. Box 29643, Richmond, Va. 23242-0643 (ph 804 741-8468; E-mail: Mgammon244@aol.com), or Melvin Dolan, Mega Contractors, Inc., P.O. Box 6387, Richmond, Va. 23230 (fax 804 784-3909).

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2002 - Volume #26, Issue #1