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Boot Scraper, Brush Mount On Push Broom
Cleaning muddy boots isn't a problem any more for Alan McGregor, Charles City, Iowa, who attached an 8-in. wooden scrub brush and a 7-in. piece of 1-in. aluminum angle iron to the top of an 18-in. brush broom.
  "I call it my 3-in-1 broom. It's easy to assemble, and I can take it with me anywhere I go. My wife appreciates it because I don't drag as much mud into the house," says McGregor. "I use the bottom of the broom to clean off the sides of my boots first, and then I use the angle iron to scrape the soles. I use the top brush to remove any remaining debris.
  "I keep the broom wherever it's convenient, such as next to the barn or shop door or even in trucks. Keeping these areas cleaner reduces the possibility of spreading disease."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Alan L. McGregor, 3258 240th St., Charles City, Iowa 50616 (ph 641 435-2330).

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2002 - Volume #26, Issue #1