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Rock Boxes Made From Hammermill Screens
Edwin Egli, New Salem, North Dakota, makes rock boxes for the front of his tractors using old hammermill screens.
  "Most rock boxes I've seen have solid bottoms that collect dirt and water," he says. "With a screen in the bottom, everything drops through but the rocks."
  To make a rock box, he mounts pieces of the heavy duty screen in an angle iron frame that bolts to the tractor. "I hinge the bottom screen at the back so dumping is easy," he says. "The screens have 1/4-in. holes and are made of hardened steel, so they'll hold a lot of weight," he says. "If I need weight on the front of the tractor, I can just load them up with rocks."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Edwin Egli, 4825 County Road 139, New Salem, N. Dak. 58563 (ph 701 843-7380; E-mail: egli@westriv.com).

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2002 - Volume #26, Issue #5